few words about us

Specialist in the industry and crafts sector

Our motto is “More than temporary work”. We are a professional staffing agency with a current license for temporary employment (ANÜ) and a membership in the GVP collective bargaining agreement.

ANÜ          GVP         

DPMA          WUP

Together with you, we want to identify where you need energetic support or where you can contribute your expertise to create a win-win model for all parties involved.

Here is an overview of our services:

  • Protected trademark CLICK & WORK GmbH – Mehr als Zeitarbeit
  • Temporary employment
  • Contractor agreements
  • Personnel consulting
  • Staffing services
  • Outsourcing

Customer satisfaction is our top priority: Excellent service that exceeds your expectations

We recruit tailor-made candidates that meet your requirements, and our technically qualified Click & Work employees coordinate with you in a brief, individual, and precise manner. Our team takes care of your concerns personally and reliably, and we provide you with well-trained, qualified, and internally motivated personnel through our internal motivation program.

Our qualified safety specialists and company doctors support and assist you on-site, ensuring that safety-relevant circumstances are always under control. We also create hazard catalogs for you and take care of prevention and G-examinations.

We take pride in offering a wide range of high-quality services tailored to your needs. Our experienced experts are always striving to provide you with a professional and efficient service that exceeds your expectations. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on our services or to request a customized quote. We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Mission

Is to provide companies with the best possible employees and to offer employees employment with reliable employers.

This is the only way we can ensure smooth cooperation and avoid any misunderstandings. We place great importance on transparency and professionalism, as these are essential factors for the trust and satisfaction of our customers and employees.

Our long-standing experience in the industry

  • 20+
    So many Years of experience in the temporary work industry
  • 120+
    More and more companies are joining our customer base every week.
  • 600+
    We recruit a significant number of employees for ourselves every month.
  • 1 440+
    That’s how many employees are already registered in our database.

Since the beginning, we have been aware that our goal is to create something for the people. However, our years of experience in the industry have taught us that we do not always get what we want. The job market is a perfect example of where the interests of employers and employees clash and escalate when there is a lack of transparency and communication.

So we began to think about how we could find a solution that would satisfy all parties involved.

This is how the idea for Click&Work was born.

Shape a better future with us!