Hi! I am

Tomasz Famielec

Electrician (m/f/d)



Personal data

Name Tomasz
Birth date 1978
Sex man
Nationality Poland


Polish native
Additional languages
german basic (can communicate at work)

Vocational education

  • technical high school
  • advanced Studies

Additional information

Possibility of relocation
Expected working model full-time /
Profile ID 2725

Employment history

01/03/2017 - 03/18/2019
Bombardier Transportation GmbH - Electrician (m/f/d)
03/26/2019 - 07/13/2021
Ranstad - Electrician (m/f/d)
07/19/2021 - 12/31/2022
Pva TePla AG - Mechatronics engineer (m/f/d)
01/02/2023 - 10/01/2024
B.A.U.S. AT sp. z o.o. - Mechatronics engineer (m/f/d)
05/14/2024 - 08/09/2024
Electrician (m/f/d)

Additional skills

in the metal area
  • Working with various tools
  • Working with various power tools
  • Operation of measuring instruments and tools
  • Mechatronics engineer (m/f/d)
  • Experience working with hydraulic tools
  • Machine programming
in the field of electrical engineering
  • Reading and interpreting electrical diagrams
  • Various electrical installations
  • Electrical works
  • Pulling, splicing, and connecting cables
in other technical areas
  • Accustomed to physical work
  • Fast comprehension
Work approach
  • Teamwork
  • Quick learning ability
  • Commitment

Additionally, the employee indicated in the experience

PL: Analiza błędów wraz z powiązaną dokumentacją i logowaniem, Tworzenie funkcji na komponentach mechatronicznych, Diagnostyka i usuwanie usterek elektrycznych, mechanicznych i hydraulicznych, Monter serwisowy w branży pojazdów specjalnych, Obsługa poszczególnych maszyn CNC, Pomoc przy rozładunku towarów. DE: Fehleranalyse mit entsprechender Dokumentation und Protokollierung, Entwicklung von Funktionen für mechatronische Komponenten, Diagnose und Behebung von elektrischen, mechanischen und hydraulischen Fehlern, Monteur im Servicebereich für Spezialfahrzeuge, Bedienung einzelner CNC-Maschinen, Hilfe beim Entladen von Waren. EN: Error analysis with related documentation and logging, Creating functions on mechatronic components, Diagnosis and elimination of electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic faults, Service assembler in the special vehicles industr, Operation of individual CNC machines, Assistance with unloading goods.


Additional certificates


  • driving licence B /
  • own car

This employee can be assigned to you at the following billing rate

from 34 Euro / hour

The final billing rate will be determined based on a comparative wage analysis and the individual skills and competencies of the employee.

Additional highlights of the offer:

CLICK & WORK covers the costs of on-site accommodation,

CLICK & WORK guarantees the agreed-upon price (even in case of upcoming tariff increases) for the entire current year,

CLICK & WORK offers a free transfer of the employee after only 9 months.

contact us

  • +49 (0) 471 – 95 2123 15