Hi! I am

Paweł Gołębiowski

Automotive mechanic (m/f/d)



Personal data

Name Paweł
Birth date 2001
Sex man
Nationality Poland


Polish native
Additional languages
english very good (speaking, understanding, reading, and writing)

Vocational education

  • advanced Studies

Additional information

Possibility of relocation
Expected working model full-time /
Profile ID 2856

Employment history

06/01/2022 - 02/01/2024
Otomoto Polska - Automotive mechanic (m/f/d)

Additional skills

in the metal area
  • Working with various tools
  • Automotive mechanic
in the Field of Plastics
  • Cars
in the Field of Logistics
  • Picking and packing
  • Loading and Unloading Vehicles
  • Packing and Unpacking goods
  • Shipping and Warehousing
in other technical areas
  • Accustomed to physical work
  • Painting
  • Manual dexterity
  • Manual Sorting Ability
  • Fast comprehension
Work approach
  • Teamwork
  • Quick learning ability
  • Commitment
  • Willingness to help
  • Reliability
  • Motivation

Additionally, the employee indicated in the experience

PL: Wykonywanie przeglądów technicznych pojazdów osobowych zgodnie z obowiązującymi standardami i przepisami. Analiza stanu technicznego pojazdów. Prowadzenie dokumentacji dotyczącej przeglądów technicznych oraz wszelkich napraw czy modyfikacji pojazdów. Przeprowadzanie jazd testowych różnych pojazdów w celu oceny ich zachowania na drodze i ogólnego stanu technicznego. DE: Überprüfung der technischen Inspektion von Personenkraftwagen gemäß geltenden Standards und Vorschriften. Analyse des technischen Zustands von Fahrzeugen. Führung der Dokumentation zu technischen Inspektionen sowie allen Reparaturen oder Modifikationen von Fahrzeugen. Durchführung von Testfahrten verschiedener Fahrzeuge zur Bewertung ihres Verhaltens auf der Straße und ihres allgemeinen technischen Zustands. EN: Performing technical inspections of passenger vehicles in accordance with applicable standards and regulations. Analyzing the technical condition of vehicles. Maintaining documentation related to technical inspections and any repairs or modifications of vehicles. Conducting test drives of various vehicles to assess their behavior on the road and overall technical condition.


Additional certificates


  • driving licence B /
  • own car

This employee can be assigned to you at the following billing rate

from 33 Euro / hour

The final billing rate will be determined based on a comparative wage analysis and the individual skills and competencies of the employee.

Additional highlights of the offer:

CLICK & WORK covers the costs of on-site accommodation,

CLICK & WORK guarantees the agreed-upon price (even in case of upcoming tariff increases) for the entire current year,

CLICK & WORK offers a free transfer of the employee after only 9 months.

contact us

  • +49 (0) 471 – 95 2123 15