Hi! I am

Wojciech Włodarek

Locksmith (m/f/d)



Personal data

Name Wojciech
Birth date 1995
Sex man
Nationality Poland


Polish native
Additional languages
german communicative (has no problem with speaking and understanding)
english basic (can communicate at work)

Vocational education

  • technical high school

Additional information

Possibility of relocation
Expected working model full-time /
Profile ID 2894

Employment history

01/01/2016 - 02/01/2018
Huta Szkła w Turze - Automotive mechanic (m/f/d)
02/05/2018 - 06/30/2020
Koenig Gmbh&CO KG - Steel structure fitter (m/f/d)
07/01/2020 - 11/30/2022
Atlas Maschinen GmbH - Locksmith (m/f/d)
12/01/2022 - 09/01/2023
CGH Polska - Locksmith (m/f/d)
12/01/2023 - 05/17/2024
Atlas Maschinen GmbH - Locksmith (m/f/d)

Additional skills

in the metal area
  • Reading technical drawings
  • Working with various tools
  • Working with metal
  • Welding with the MIG-MAG 135 method
  • Welding with the MIG-MAG 136 method
  • General machine and equipment operator
  • Assembly and repair of various steel structures and forms
  • Shipbuilding
  • Repairing and building cars
  • Metalworking
  • Automotive mechanic
  • Various assembly work
  • Construction and repair of ships
  • Metal processing and machining
in the Field of Plastics
  • Cars
in other technical areas
  • Accustomed to physical work
  • Sanding
  • Fast comprehension
Work approach
  • Teamwork
  • Quick learning ability
  • Commitment
  • Willingness to help
  • Reliability
  • Motivation

Additionally, the employee indicated in the experience

PL: umiejętność wykonywania takich czynności jak wiercenie, spawanie, cięcie, piłowanie, nitowanie, zgrzewanie, klejenie, gięcie czy obróbka skrawaniem. zdolności manualne (niezbędne do wykonania i naprawy niewielkich elementów metalowych), umiejętności techniczne, bardzo dobra kondycja fizyczna, wzrok oraz sprawność ruchowa, wyobraźnia przestrzenna, budowanie wytrzymałych i solidnych konstrukcji stalowych (ogrodzenia, zbrojenia budowlane, bramy, kraty). naprawa prostych mechanizmów w nadwoziach samochodów czy innych pojazdów na przykład: zawiasów, podnośników szyb, zamków, blokad. diagnozowanie usterek oraz samodzielne ich usuwanie, wymiana filtrów i olei w pojazdach, wymiana opon w samochodach, obsługa wyważarki oraz montażownicy do opon. DE: Fähigkeit zum Bohren, Schweißen, Schneiden, Sägen, Nieten, Schweißen, Kleben, Biegen und spanende Bearbeitung. Manuelle Fertigkeiten (notwendig für die Herstellung und Reparatur kleiner Metallteile), technische Fähigkeiten, sehr gute körperliche Verfassung, Sehkraft und Beweglichkeit, räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen, Aufbau von robusten und soliden Stahlkonstruktionen (Zäune, Baubewehrungen, Tore, Gitter). Reparatur einfacher Mechanismen an Fahrzeugkarosserien oder anderen Fahrzeugen, wie z.B. Scharnieren, Fensterhebern, Schlössern, Verriegelungen. Diagnose und selbstständige Behebung von Störungen, Austausch von Filtern und Öl in Fahrzeugen, Reifenwechsel bei Autos, Bedienung der Auswuchtmaschine und der Reifenmontiermaschine. EN: Ability to perform tasks such as drilling, welding, cutting, sawing, riveting, welding, gluing, bending, and machining. Manual skills (necessary for the manufacture and repair of small metal parts), technical skills, very good physical condition, vision and motor skills, spatial imagination, building durable and solid steel structures (fences, building reinforcements, gates, grilles). Repair of simple mechanisms in car bodies or other vehicles, such as hinges, window lifts, locks, and latches. Diagnosing faults and independently repairing them, replacing filters and oils in vehicles, changing tires in cars, operating a wheel balancer and a tire changer.


Additional certificates


  • driving licence B /
  • own car

This employee can be assigned to you at the following billing rate

from 32 Euro / hour

The final billing rate will be determined based on a comparative wage analysis and the individual skills and competencies of the employee.

Additional highlights of the offer:

CLICK & WORK covers the costs of on-site accommodation,

CLICK & WORK guarantees the agreed-upon price (even in case of upcoming tariff increases) for the entire current year,

CLICK & WORK offers a free transfer of the employee after only 9 months.

contact us

  • +49 (0) 471 – 95 2123 15