Hi! I am

Waldemar Chodor

Welder (m/f/d)



Personal data

Name Waldemar
Birth date 1970
Sex man
Nationality Poland


Polish native
Additional languages
english communicative (has no problem with speaking and understanding)

Vocational education

  • technical high school

Additional information

Possibility of relocation
Expected working model full-time /
Profile ID 3782

Employment history

01/01/2007 - 12/31/2015
Babcock indrustry GB. ROSYTH - Welder (m/f/d)
01/04/2016 - 12/31/2018
SIF-Group Roermond. NL. - Welder (m/f/d)
01/01/2019 - 12/31/2021
Megasud Saint nazarie - Welder (m/f/d)
03/01/2022 - 12/31/2023
Belurba Bruksela - Welder (m/f/d)
01/01/2024 - 07/08/2024
TechMetal Werlte - Welder (m/f/d)

Additional skills

in the metal area
  • Reading technical drawings
  • Working with various tools
  • Working with metal
  • Welding with the MIG-MAG 135 method
  • Welding with the MIG-MAG 136 method
  • Welding with the MIG-MAG 138 method
  • General machine and equipment operator
  • Shipbuilding
  • Metalworking
  • Construction and repair of ships
  • Metal processing and machining
in other technical areas
  • Accustomed to physical work
  • Sanding
  • Spackling
  • Cleaning
  • Operation of a jib crane
  • Manual dexterity
  • Fast comprehension
  • Concrete pouring
  • Screwdriving
Work approach
  • Teamwork
  • Quick learning ability
  • Commitment
  • Willingness to help
  • Reliability
  • Motivation

Additionally, the employee indicated in the experience

PL: Montaż i spawanie konstrukcji stalowych. Metoda spawania 135.136.138. Praca z rysunkiem technicznym. Montaż paneli dachowych, montaż konstrukcji pod wentylatory. Rozbiórka hal palnikiem, cięcie plazmowe. Spawanie i montaż konstrukcji stalowych, poszycie dachu. Praca związana z powstawaniem kadłuba statku. Praca z rysunkiem. Spawanie elementów metodą mig, mag. Ciecie elementów palnikiem gazowym. Praca w stoczni .Remont kutrów i bark, spawanie i cięcie. Montaż ścian i belek konstrukcji. DE: Montage und Schweißen von Stahlkonstruktionen. Schweißverfahren 135, 136, 138. Arbeit mit technischen Zeichnungen. Montage von Dachpaneelen, Montage von Konstruktionen für Ventilatoren. Abbruch von Hallen mit dem Schneidbrenner, Plasmaschneiden. Schweißen und Montage von Stahlkonstruktionen, Dachverkleidung. Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit dem Bau des Schiffsrumpfs. Arbeit mit Zeichnungen. Schweißen von Bauteilen mit MIG-, MAG-Verfahren. Schneiden von Bauteilen mit dem Gasbrenner. Arbeit in der Werft. Reparatur von Kuttern und Lastkähnen, Schweißen und Schneiden. Montage von Wänden und Trägern der Konstruktion. EN: Assembly and welding of steel structures. Welding methods 135, 136, 138. Working with technical drawings. Installation of roof panels, installation of structures for fans. Demolition of halls with a cutting torch, plasma cutting. Welding and assembly of steel structures, roof cladding. Work related to the construction of the ship's hull. Working with drawings. Welding of components using MIG, MAG methods. Cutting of components with a gas torch. Work in the shipyard. Repair of cutters and barges, welding and cutting. Installation of walls and beams of the structure.


valid welding certificates
Additional certificates


  • driving licence B /
  • own car

This employee can be assigned to you at the following billing rate

from 33 Euro / hour

The final billing rate will be determined based on a comparative wage analysis and the individual skills and competencies of the employee.

Additional highlights of the offer:

CLICK & WORK covers the costs of on-site accommodation,

CLICK & WORK guarantees the agreed-upon price (even in case of upcoming tariff increases) for the entire current year,

CLICK & WORK offers a free transfer of the employee after only 9 months.

contact us

  • +49 (0) 471 – 95 2123 15