Hi! I am

Sławomir Kozłowski

Laminator (m/f/d)


in 14 days

Personal data

Name Sławomir
Birth date 1975
Sex man
Nationality Poland


Polish native
Additional languages
german basic (can communicate at work)

Vocational education

  • technical high school

Additional information

Possibility of relocation
Expected working model full-time /
Profile ID 3855

Employment history

09/01/1997 - 02/28/2003
Laminator (m/f/d)
03/03/2003 - 09/30/2011
Laminator (m/f/d)
10/10/2011 - 01/31/2017
Laminator (m/f/d)
02/06/2017 - 08/09/2024
Laminator (m/f/d)

Additional skills

in the metal area
  • Reading technical drawings
  • Working with various tools
  • Working with various power tools
in the Field of Plastics
  • Boat building
  • Assembly of various plastic elements and forms
  • Blades building
  • Aircraft building
  • Finishing work (preparatory and final)
  • Infusion and Vacuum
  • CFK
  • GFK
  • Carbon
  • Filling Forms
  • Yacht Building
  • Gel Coat Painting
  • Applying Gel Coat Coatings
  • Working with Plastics
in other technical areas
  • Accustomed to physical work
  • Sanding
  • Spackling
  • Polishing
  • Cleaning
  • Manual dexterity
  • Fast comprehension
  • Screwdriving
Work approach
  • Teamwork
  • Quick learning ability
  • Commitment
  • Willingness to help
  • Reliability
  • Motivation

Additionally, the employee indicated in the experience

PL: Kompozyty części do łodzi, jacuzzi, turbiny wiatrowe ,formy konstrukcyjne w zależności od projektu (B2B). Laminowanie kadłubów i pokładów łodzi o długości od 5 do 37 metrów (na przykład Saline: SC35, F42, SC42; Sunseeker Yacht 155, 108, 90, 85 Predators 75, 86; łodzie Yamarin, łodzie Ibiza, jachty Sunreef, Nautor Swan). żelkoty i powłoki wierzchnie, rdzeń (drewno, stal, pianki),produkty naprawcze, polerowanie laminatów, praca z narzędziami pneumatycznymi i elektrycznymi (szlifierki, piły, wiertarki, szlifierki oscylacyjne, polerki), znajomość zasad BHP, perfekcyjny porządek w warsztacie,laminowanie próżniowe, maszyny do żywic i klejów, przygotowanie systemów próżniowych, przygotowanie form do próżni i infuzji, kontrolowanie procesu infuzji, obsługa pomp do żywic i klejów. ENG: Composites boat parts, jacuzzis, wind turbines, construction molds depending on the project (B2B). Laminating hulls and decks of boats ranging from 5 to 37 meters (for example, Saline: SC35, F42, SC42; Sunseeker Yacht 155, 108, 90, 85 Predators 75, 86; Yamarin boats, Ibiza boats, Sunreef yachts, Nautor Swan). Gelcoats and topcoats, cores (wood, steel, foams), repair products, polishing laminates, working with pneumatic and electric tools (grinders, saws, drills, sanders, polishers), knowledge of health and safety regulations, perfect housekeeping in the workshop, vacuum laminating, resin and glue machines, preparing vacuum systems, preparing molds for vacuum and infusion, controlling the infusion process, operating resin and glue pumps. DE: Kompositteile für Boote, Whirlpools, Windturbinen, Konstruktionsformen je nach Projekt (B2B). Laminieren von Rümpfen und Decks von Booten mit einer Länge von 5 bis 37 Metern (zum Beispiel Saline: SC35, F42, SC42; Sunseeker Yacht 155, 108, 90, 85 Predators 75, 86; Yamarin-Boote, Ibiza-Boote, Sunreef-Yachten, Nautor Swan). Gelcoats und Topcoats, Kerne (Holz, Stahl, Schäume), Reparaturprodukte, Polieren von Laminaten, Arbeit mit pneumatischen und elektrischen Werkzeugen (Schleifmaschinen, Sägen, Bohrmaschinen, Exzenterschleifer, Poliermaschinen), Kenntnisse der Arbeitsschutzvorschriften, perfekte Ordnung in der Werkstatt, Vakuumlaminieren, Harz- und Klebemaschinen, Vorbereitung von Vakuumsystemen, Vorbereitung von Formen für Vakuum und Infusion, Steuerung des Infusionsprozesses, Bedienung von Harz- und Klebepumpen.


Additional certificates


  • driving licence B /
  • own car

This employee can be assigned to you at the following billing rate

from 28 Euro / hour

The final billing rate will be determined based on a comparative wage analysis and the individual skills and competencies of the employee.

Additional highlights of the offer:

CLICK & WORK covers the costs of on-site accommodation,

CLICK & WORK guarantees the agreed-upon price (even in case of upcoming tariff increases) for the entire current year,

CLICK & WORK offers a free transfer of the employee after only 9 months.

contact us

  • +49 (0) 471 – 95 2123 15